- Quintessenser
The quintessences have been created throug higher inspiration och guidance to bring forth the knowledge of "the sacred vapours". They increase your inner communication and understanding of who you really are. The quintessences contain herbs, flowers, crystalenergy and springwater.
El Morya quintessence 25ml
Kuthumi quintessence 25ml
Hilarion quintessence 25ml
Serapis Bey quintessence 25ml
S:t Germain quintessence 25ml
Pallas Athena quintessence 25ml
Angelica quintessens 25ml
Lady Portia quintessens 25ml
Kwan Yin & Lao Tsu quintessens 25ml
Sanat Kumara quintessens 25ml
Maha Chohan quintessens 25ml
Djwahl Kuhl quintessence 25ml
The Holy Grail quintessens 25ml